Brett and I moved into our first home 2 years ago. A cozy cape style home with 4 bedrooms + 1 bathroom. Okay, so the whole 1 bathroom thing is a struggle, but we make do. It usually consists of tripping over each other while Cole rummages through the cabinets looking for his toothbrush, or […]
APP must-haves
Let’s talk social media; we allll do it, have it, and are obsessed with it. It’s a way of life now, the connection, sharing, posting. Ever wonder how many miles your thumb has scrolled through your Facebook and Instagram feeds? I have, and it’s a shit-ton. Social media is powerful. If used correctly, it can […]
Father's Day feels
A good father is is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society – Billy Graham I feel so lucky. I’m lucky, blessed, and so humble that I grew up with with a Dad. Because of him, I knew what type of man I wanted […]
Natural tick repellent
Sweet summertime means BBQ’s, family, friends, sunshine + memory makin’. It also means tis’ the season for BUGS. Ew. Among the hated, give me the shivers thinking about it “nasties”, ticks are at the top of my list for the most hated insect. As if parents had enough to worry about, TICKS are bad business. […]
Is this real life? Mom-shaming? When I became a mother I knew I was in for all kinds of reality checks. MOMMIN’ IS HARD. You ask any of us, and we will all agree on that. But you’ll also find us telling you that it is the most amazing and rewarding thing you’ll ever experience […]
DIY gifts for any occasion
If you’ve read my previous blogs, you may have picked up on the fact that I am a firm believer in DIY gifts. “Do It Yourself” projects are good for the soul. And seriously, what’s cuter than the product of a tiny human? The month of June is FULL of celebrations. My husbands birthday is […]
Top knot in no time
If you’re a Mama, you and I both know that doing our hair is on the lower end of the priority list. My style has consistently turned into whatever I can quickly throw on without looking like I haven’t left the house in 3 days, applying some mascara and concealer to hide those bags that […]
Gray scale
Give me allll the neutral toned, easy to match, and comfortable clothes + shoes. Am I right? Not only do I choose my clothing based off this perfect equation, I choose it for my baby as well (which equals happy mama + happy baby). Social media is a powerful tool, and a dangerous one at […]
Accepting Failure
Welcome to motherhood where you will experience a wide range of emotions, no sleep, and engorged boobs. As this part of your life is anything but easy, do yourself a favor, and accept that failure will become a natural feeling. As a part time-worker, full time Mama + wife, my brain never shuts off. #momfails […]
Cole's First Birthday Party
Yesterday our closest friends + family members joined us to celebrate our little boy turning 1. I will forever wonder where the time goes. Both my husband and I are from Maine (and we will probably never leave) so it seemed fitting to have a ‘lumberjack bash.’ I am all about a good party, especially […]