Hi friends! It’s been a while since I’ve been on here and written something, life gets so crazy! BUT hey, hello, whats up! I’m back and I am so excited to be sharing my experience with Sneak Peek early gender kits!
We found out we were expecting baby #2 on July 7th, and right away we knew we wanted to know the gender at the earliest possible moment! As we all know, this usually can’t happen until the 19-20 week fetal survey ultra sound. So I was scrolling through Instagram one night, you know, searching for all things baby, and this beautiful gender reveal post popped up saying that they found out their babys gender at only 9 WEEKS! Pump the breaks, I immediately sat up in bed and shrieked with excitement as I showed my husband this specific test! SIGN ME UP.
Once I received the test in the mail, I opened it up and read the directions carefully. Which, by the way, were so well written out that they were fool-proof. They provide you with all necessary items to collect the blood sample and ship it back out. Yes, I said blood sample. This is how they are able to tell your babies gender at such an early gestation. You collect a small amount of blood which will be sealed shut in a tube and shipped off to their testing site in California! I’ll break it down simply for all you readers- you’ll receive the kit, open the first box which has the directions. You’ll sanitize your area, make sure NO MALE DNA is present (bye bye husbands + sons) use a lancet to poke your finger and the blood will be collected in the test tube they provide. All shipping packages and labels are provided for you and depending on which test kit you decide on, you will have your results within 48 hours!
After I sent my test out, I was obviously stalking my e mail and it wasn’t even 24 hours later that I got the notification that they received my test and that we would get our results within the next few hours. Basically hubby and I anxiously awaited the results and I couldn’t tell you how many times I refreshed my mail on my iPhone. Then all of a sudden, the results were in!
We both looked at each other and screamed with excitement and we grabbed Cole and told him he was going to have a baby BROTHER! I knew, just knew it was going to be another boy! Call it gut instinct or what, but I had this feeling from the very beginning.
Jump to a few months later, and it was confirmed via ultra sound that we were intact, bringing another little Sanford Boy into our family. We cannot thank Sneak Peek test enough for this amazing opportunity to get such amazing news so early on! For those of you who have been contemplating doing this test with this company, JUST DO IT! Order it and you won’t be disappointed! Its such an amazing feeling knowing how prepared you can get for your baby so early on!
Order your kit here: https://sneakpeektest.com