Let me start off by saying that I work as a dental assistant part time (Monday-Wednesday). I’m a full time mama and a full time wife. Mix all of these together, and well let’s just say I should be getting paid WAY more than I am.
When I had Cole, I took 14 weeks maternity leave. I am so humble and grateful that my current employer is so supportive with mom life. With that being said, once my maternity leave quickly came to an end, my husband and I decided that it would be best if I only worked part time. Best decision of my life. You see, I LOVE my job. I get to work with an amazing group of people, do something I love (Yes, I love teeth. Yes, I fully accept that I am strange), and I get a mental break. YUP- you heard that right, I get a mental break.
+Confession #1: Working part time enables mom-mode to go into sleep mode. When I get to work my job is my main concern. I have a very demanding job between surgeries, coordinating treatment plans, and keeping a smiling face on my patients. I get to focus on doing adult things, and more importantly, having adult conversation. Adult interaction is crucial for mamas.
+Confession #2: Don’t expect your house to stay clean. I will be the first to admit that I have OCD when it comes to keeping things cleaned. I still find time throughout the week to keep things tidy. It’s okay to let the dishes pile up a little bit, and you’ll be okay if you don’t get around to mopping everyday. I quickly leaned that timing is everything. Once I got into the swing of this mom business, I figured out a routine. He goes down for a nap, I’ll do the dishes, clean the house, and more importantly, shower. A sleeping child is like a ticking bomb- so most days I’m lucky If i get to put on makeup or do my hair. Insert top-knot here. PS- SHARE THE DAMN CHORES WITH YOUR SPOUSE. My husband is a saint when it comes to helping out around the house. It shouldn’t all be on you.
+Confession #3: Get the hell out of the house. You will go stir crazy if you sit inside all day. I mean it. Luckily, Cole loves car rides so that makes this easy. First stop is always to the nearest coffee shop. Caffeine is a necessity for this mama. After that, you can usually find us at Target or Hobby Lobby. YAAAAAS, I am that mom. Judge me.
+Confession #4: You’ll re-wash that load of laundry at least 3 times. Literally my life story. I’ll get so excited to start my morning off with a load of laundry. I’ll give myself a pep talk like, ” oh yeah girl, you got this. I’m going to get all this laundry done and get caught up so I don’t have to worry about it for the rest of the week.” JOKES ON ME. Because seriously, who the hell has time for laundry when you could be pinning DIY projects on Pinterest.
+Confession #5: The days are long. Not only are you taking care of yourself, but you’re keeping that precious little poop monster alive. Schedules, skipped naps, and teething will become your everyday life. (I swear teething lasts forever)
+Confessions #6: This will be the hardest job of your life. BUT- its the best, most rewarding job you’ll ever experience. At the end of each day, you’ll hold that babe a little closer, hug them a little longer, and won’t want to put them down. Their smile, their laugh, their smell, will forever draw you in. You’ll break down, cry more tears than ever before, but it’ll just take that one smile from your baby that’ll make the tough days turn into the best days of your life.