Todays blog is brought to you by coffee, baby drool, and more coffee.
My 7 month old is teething. So if you’re a parent, you know how mentally + physically exhausting this phase is. His first little tooth popped through 2 weeks ago, which surprised me because he showed absolutely no signs. You know what ‘sign’ he showed? Since 6 weeks, my son has been sleeping through the night. Yes- I’m not even kidding. Of course we went through the 4 month sleep regression, which, you guessed it, COFFEE got me through that. SO, the night before the razor sharp tooth appeared, Cole woke up a few times through out the night and had to be rocked to sleep. THATS the only sign he showed.
Everyone warned me of the dreaded teething phase. Up until a few days ago, I thought, “ppfft, this teething thing is easy.” I.SPOKE.TOO.SOON. And absolutely jinxed myself and my husband (sorry dude).
Cole is an extremely easy going baby. So easy I often wonder if its normal, and find myself somewhat intimidated because at any moment I feel like I could get handed a can of whoop ass from the little human. After being up multiple times in the middle of the night, nursing, rocking, and nursing again, I finally put my head down in hopes of getting a few hours of sleep. I swear, these babies can sense when us parents need some shut eye. JOKES ON YOU MA, JOKES ON YOU. As soon as I was drifting off, my sons cry came screeching through the monitor next to my face. Side note– how the hell does my husband sleep through this? Literally the man could sleep through anything. Screw the saying ‘I slept like a baby’, I want to sleep like my husband!
P.s- I couldn’t help but laugh this morning when Cole woke up. Brett woke up and went and got Cole from his crib and brought him back into our bedroom. He was about to hand him to me so I could feed him when he stopped mid-air and screamed, “YUCK.” I’ve never seen so much poop before. The best part? It was all over Brett. The loving wife/mother that I am, obviously laughed hysterically.
Something weird that happens when you become a mom. You think you hear your child crying, when really they aren’t. I’ll be in the shower, mid shampoo, and I swear I hear crying. I’ll stick my head out from the curtain for a better listen. Nope, not crying. This happens multiple times where I’ve shut off the water because I think my baby is crying. Mommy brain plays some weird tricks on you. You’ll question your sanity, and if you’ve consumed too much caffeine. HAHA, good one. You can never have too much coffee.
Babies fight their sleep at one point or another. I thought Cole finally was on a great schedule.To the point where he took his 3 naps and ate at the same times every day. Teething has totally ruined that, for now. “Cole, I promise, if you just close your little eyeballs, you will fall asleep and be happy.” Why do babies fight their sleep so much? My face and boobs will be right here when you wake up. Don’t fret, child.
I am so amazed how our bodies can run off of no sleep, and not only be able to function, but be able to take care of another human. #MOMLIFE is totally sponsored by coffee.
Sleep when baby sleeps, they say. I tried to do this when Cole was fresh out of the womb. We would do family naps just to get some shut eye in those first few days where sleep wasn’t used in our vocabulary. But now, I try to catch up on house work and laundry. Side note– baby clothing may be small, but you will spend forever and a day trying to keep up with all the laundry you now have since having children. I’ll try to lay down on the couch when Cole goes down for his naps, but I get distracted easy. Facebooking which leads to instagram, going through stories on snapchat, ending in DIY crafts or crock pot meals on pinterest. Next thing you know an hour and a half has passed by and the wee-one is yelling for you. Instantly regret not shutting my own eyeballs.
R.I.P to the sleep I used to get before having a baby. I still get sleep, its just filled with multiple wake up calls to the most precious, little human that needs comfort from their mama. When I’m rocking Cole, or nursing him, its hard to be upset that my sleep was interrupted. He needs me. He wants to be held, fed, and comforted by me. It won’t be long before he won’t want me to rock him to sleep. So I soak in every moment I can with him.
Teething may be a bitch, my husband may have poop all over him, and we may be exhausted from the lack of sleep. But I can’t help but think how blessed I am for this life, and more importantly, how blessed I am to be a mama. I wouldn’t trade this for anything.
Soak in all the moments. Teething doesn’t last forever. And remember that there’s a Dunkin Donuts or Aroma Joes never too far away for that caffeinated bevy.