Because every mama needs other mama friends. Amen.
One of my friends and I decided that once a week we would meet for a play date with our little ones. Like I had previously said in my last blog, that my Cole is almost 7 months old. So I’m not sure why it took me this long to figure out that having social interaction with other moms is probably a good thing. I blame it on mommy-brain. Which PS is a real thing, and its a bitch.
Don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of friends who don’t have kids yet, and they are a HUGE part of my life. I would be lost without them. But there is an obvious connection when you get together with other human beings that have little humans just like you. I have to stop and think about what I’m saying most of the time when I hangout with my “non-mom” friends. I mean I don’t think they really want to spend hours talking about my child or what color and consistency his poop is.
So let me tell you about these play dates; otherwise known as ‘lets put all our babies together so they can play, and we can eat pizza, gossip and sip our highly caffeinated drinks.’ There is drool, spit up, screaming and cheese-puff residue. And if you think thats a glamorous site, you should see us mama’s. Rocking the leggings, no makeup and the hair-do’s that scream “I haven’t washed my hair in 5 days.” This can all be summed up in one term. M I L F. We talk about the good, the bad, and the recent episodes of Mickey Mouse Club House. There’s also the strange noises that the kids make. You know, the noises that make you look at each other and say ” which kid just shit their pants,” look. Proceed to child, lift child up, sniff childs ass: que the gagging noise, and/or the poop half way up their back. Another one of my favorites is when you lift up the diaper to check, and your left with poop all over your finger. That’s always a good time. See, moms always talk about their kids poop.
In all honesty, I look forward every week for these play dates. Its so important for babies aaaand moms to have that social interaction. It’s a day of the week that we can complain, laugh, show up in sweatpants stained with spit-up, and share our MOM-ents with each other. And to not judge; mom code. Until next week, mamas.